Trimethyl Pentanyl Diisobutyrate

What Is It?

Trimethyl Pentanyl Diisobutyrate is a clear, water white liquid substance used primarily as a plasticizer in nail polish.

Why Is It Used?

Trimethyl Pentanyl Diisobutyrate functions as a plasticizer. It imparts flexibility and durability to synthetic polymers such as those used in nail polish.

Scientific Facts

Trimethyl Pentanyl Diisobutyrate is an ester. This means that it is a compound formed between and acid and an alcohol. Trimethyl Pentanyl Diisobutryate is stable in neutral and acidic solutions, and it is has been shown to biodegrade.

Safety Information

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) includes Trimethyl Pentanyl Diisobutyrate (as 2,2,4-trimethyl-1,3-pentanediol diisobutryate) on its list of indirect food additives. It may be used in cellophane and as a plasticizer in food contact polymers. The safety studies available on Trimethyl Pentanyl Diisobutyrate have been reviewed as part of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Screening Information Data Set (SIDS) for High Production Volume (HPV) chemicals. The review concluded that Trimethyl Pentanyl Diisobutyrate had low potential risk and low priority for needing additional study.

FDA: Link to Code of Federal Regulations for 2,2,4-trimethyl-1,3-pentanediol diisobutyrate (Trimethyl Pentanyl Diisobutyrate)

Information summarized in the review completed for the OECD HPV program indicated that Trimethyl Pentanyl Diisobutyrate was not a mutagen. Some effects on the liver and kidney were observed following high oral doses. No effects on reproduction or development were reported.

Link to the OECD SIDS Summary:…

Trimethyl Pentanyl Diisobutryate may be used in cosmetics and personal care products marketed in Europe according to the general provisions of the Cosmetics Regulation of the European Union.

Link to the EU Cosmetic Regulation:…


Link to the complete OECD SIDS report on Trimethyl Pentanyl Diisobutyrate

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