Hair Straighteners and Relaxers are products that make hair become straight or straighter or to relax tightly curled hair to soften or loosen the curls. The safety of Hair Straighteners and Relaxers is established by selection of ingredients that are safe and suitable for this purpose. In addition, Hair Straighteners and Relaxers are rigorously assessed for their potential to cause scalp and eye irritation. Product safety is also established though strict adherence to the principles of Quality Assurance and Good Manufacturing Practices. This includes testing the compatibility of the product with packaging as well as shelf-life stability. It is especially important to follow the directions on the label of the product to ensure that the product performs as intended and that there is no irritation to the skin. The FDA recommends that Hair Straighteners be assessed for skin irritation and safety. It is very important to follow the directions on the label and to only use these products in a safe manner.
Link to FDA discussion about Hair Straighteners
Finally, the safety of products is monitored in the market-place through reports of consumer comments and complaints. Companies include a phone number on their products where comments or complaints may be reported.